
If you are a returning member, make sure you are logged into your account to renew your membership.

Use the links in the navigation menu to join QWF or to renew your Membership. The cost of Membership is $60 for a 12- month Membership, beginning when your payment is processed. If you are a full-time student, you can join as a Student Member, for just $25 for 12 months.

On payment, you will receive an email confirming your registration. Please note that this email also includes your QWF Membership Card.  We strongly recommend that you print it out and keep it in your wallet so you can take advantage of the many benefits you are entitled to as a QWF member.

For more information on Member benefits, and whether a QWF Membership is for you (it is!), read our Membership overview section.

Welcome to the Quebec Writers’ Federation!

General member

General members include aspiring writers and others who do not meet the criteria for Professional members.

Professional member

A Professional member must have published (not self-published) at least 40 pages of fiction, poetry or non-fiction (including journalism), or have professionally produced at least 30 minutes of radio, film, television, theatre or multi-media. Storytellers and Spoken Word artists must have presented at least one full-length solo show or have had at least 3 professionally paid bookings.

Student member

To qualify for a Student membership, the applicant must be enrolled in full-time education (at any level) at the time of application. Please provide proof of full-time status below: a scan or photograph of student ID, enrollment, or acceptance letter, for example.

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