Beddia, Lea

Lea Beddia is a live storyteller and author of young adult literature. Her books Take Off! and Outta Here feature the joys and hardships of coming-of-age. As a storyteller, she has taken the stage numerous times with Confabulation Montreal. With twenty years’ experience as a high school English teacher, Lea is equipped to plan, host and adapt workshops to students’ and teachers’ needs. Her workshops include games, humor, and music, focusing on using fears and weaknesses to create strong characters. Workshops will show students how to hook a reader/audience and connect them to a relatable character. Workshops for storytelling include harvesting ideas of real events in one’s life and structuring them into a story fit for the stage. Lea is bilingual and is comfortable giving workshops to second language learners.

For videos of storytelling events, or more information on her books, please visit