2001 Awards Gala

Award winners

Le Prix de traduction de la Fondation Cole / The Cole Foundation Prize for Translation

then known as The Translation Prize


The Great Peace of Montreal of 1701: French-Native Diplomacy in the Seventeenth Century (McGill-Queen's University Press) by  Phyllis Aronoff and Howard Scott
Translation of
La Grand Paix de Montréal de 1701: les voies de la diplomatie franco-amérindienne (Recherches amérindiennes au Québec) by  Gilles Havard


Travels with an Umbrella: An Irish Journey (Signature Editions) by  Linda Leith
Translation of
Voyage en Irelande avec un parapluie (VLB Éditeur) by  Louis Gauthier
Tsubaki (Talonbooks) by  Fred A. Reed
Translation of
Tsubaki (Leméac Éditeur Inc.) by  Aki Shimazaki

The A. M. Klein Prize for Poetry


The Beauty of the Husband (Alfred A. Knopf) by  Anne Carson


The Animal Library (DC Books) by  Jason Camlot
Histories (Véhicule Press) by  Andrew Steinmetz

The Concordia University First Book Prize

then known as McAuslan First Book Prize



If Looks Could Kill (McLelland & Stewart) by  Michael Blair
Other Conundrums: Race, Culture and Canadian Art (Arsenal Pulp Press) by  Monika Kin Gagnon

The Mavis Gallant Prize for Non-Fiction



River Song: Sailing the History of the St. Lawrence (Penguin Canada) by  Phil Jenkins
Getting Started: A Memoir of the 1950s (McClelland & Stewart) by  William Weintraub

The Paragraphe Hugh MacLennan Prize for Fiction

then known as Hugh MacLennan Prize for Fiction


Life of Pi (Knopf Canada) by  Yann Martel


Ice Lake (HarperCollins) by  John Farrow
Down There By the Train (Knopf Canada) by  Kate Sterns

Judy Mappin Community Award


Germain Lefebvre for his work as Cultural Advisor of CACUM: Conseil des Arts de la CUM